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Aim of Subject:
  • To introduce basic cyberpreneurship concepts to students.
Learning Outcome of               Subject:At the completion of the subject, students should be able to :
  • comprehend the concepts of cyberpreneur and cyberpreneurship.
  • apprehend the concepts of innovation and creativity in cyberpreneurial setting.
  • understand the basics of cyberpreneurial management, financing and marketing
  • comprehend the importance of business plan.
  • understand the business plan components and design.
  • understand real life examples of cyberpreneurs through case study analysis.
  • apply the concepts learned for an advance course on cyberpreneurship.
  • employ the concepts learned in the real life situations.
Programme Outcomes:
  • Capability to communicate effectively(15%)
  • Understanding of the importance of sustainability and cost-effectiveness in design and development of engineering solutions(10%)
  • Understanding and commitment to professional and ethical responsibilities(10%)
  • Ability to work independently as well as with others in a team(10%)
  • Ability to be a multi-skilled engineer with good technical knowledge, management, leadership and entrepreneurship skills(35%)
  • Awareness of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities as an engineer(10%)
  • Capability and enthusiasm for self-improvement through continuous professional development and life-long learning(10%)
Assessment Schemes:
  • Tutorial/Assignment-individual or group assignment(100%)
Teaching and Learning Activities:Total Contact Hours = 14(Lectures)
Credit Hours:1
  • Kuratko, D. F. and Hodgetts, R. M. (2004). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process and Practice. 6th Ed. South-Western, Thomson Learning, USA.(Text Book)
  • Schaper. M. and Volery. T. (2004), Entrepreneurship and Small Business: A Pacific Rim Perspective. John Wiley & Sons, Australia.
  • Kaplan, J. M. (2003). Patterns of Entrepreneurship. Wiley & Sons, USA.
  • Zimmerer, T. W. and Scarborough, N. M. (2004). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. 4th Ed. Prentice Hall, USA.

Subject Contents

  • Creativity and Innovation and Their Commercialization

  • What is creativity? What is innovation? Example of creativity that leads to innovation. The commercialization of creative and innovative ideas. Trends in technology development.
  • Establishing New Venture

  • Opportunities for Entrepreneurship, Products Identification in various fields, Risk Management.
  • The Business Plan Development

  • What is a Business Plan? The Need for a Business Plan. Preparing a Business Plan: a) Forecasting Developments and Charting an Action Plan b) Identifying the Product/Service c) Evaluating the Business Venture d) Market Research and Feasibility Study.
  • Financing Business

  • Sources of Debt Financing, Sources of Equity Financing Financial Controls
  • Marketing Products

  • Creating the Marketing Plan, Pricing for Profit, Creative Advertising and Promotion.
  • Entrepreneurship Case Studies

  • Overview and analysis of successful entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates of Microsoft, Michael Dell of Dell, David Filo and Jerry Yang of Yahoo, etc.
  • Malaysian Entrepreneurship

  • Discussion of Malaysian business environment, and illustrated with successful Malaysian entrepreneurs. 

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